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Wuhan 2019: The building blocks of relationships



WUHAN (CHN) - Sport is a universal language spoken in every country. Competitors, athletes, and sportspeople alike understand the camaraderie, the expressions, and the dynamic that exists.  Words aren’t always needed.

It forges bonds and friendships unlike any other.  And of course, there are those driving it to make sure the relationships, friendships and understanding are never lost; that they only grow stronger to demonstrate the CISM “friendship through sport” motto.

Presiding over the now 27 sports (two demonstration) under the CISM Banner, is Presidents of the Sports Committees (PCSC) Manager, Lt. Colonel Rafael Pinheiro - who emphasises that CISM isn’t just an organisation, it is an international level organisation that is far more than just the sum of its parts.

“We can consider CISM as an international committee, and consider the sports committees as international federations,” he says.

“There is a head of each sport, and it has its own committee members. Each of the presidents are from different countries; I’m in touch with and dealing with each international federation. This can include adding or registering members from the committees, but also working with them for the championships, held in different nations ever year.”

Pinheiro has held the role since 2017, and says it’s absolutely fantastic that the managing role is not only internal - it extends well beyond this on the international level, playing a crucial role in growing, developing and strengthening the sport within CISM, and further afield.

The PCSCs taking an active role, almost as an ambassador for the sport, further amplifies the stature and reputation that is becoming a critical part of sport development.



“Fortunately, it’s not only inside the institution. We have memorandums of understanding and connections with international sports federations; it’s going through borders, not only inside of the military field.  I’m very proud of my function, and of the presidents of the sports committees.

“We are not restricted to the military because we are managing all over the world. We go so far as to plan with the host nations for the World Military Championships, of which we have 20 to 25 per year.”

Organisation is key here - and it’s one element Pinheiro is heavily involved in.  Wuhan 2019 took plenty of planning and preparation, and it was through that meticulous outlining, and thoroughness to prepare such an incredible event, something that also stems from the championships. A huge credit has been given to the host nation right from the start of the opening ceremony and opening day of sport, but it is underpinned by the detail that has gone in to running these games, as well as the other World Championships.

Several pre-visits were made, including thorough work with the PCSCs stationed in China to make sure that things were running well. One item Pinheiro makes clear is that the organisation wanted to ensure that things were running according to plan while over here.

“We advised China on how to do things in the CISM way, and base it on International federation roles.  It’s why we are so proud of the organisation, and shows the merit of the PCSCs that came hear, along with the dialogue with the counterparts.”

This embodies so much of the spirit of being able to make the sports such a strong part of CISM, where the quality of PCSCs and those around them makes it a pleasure to be able to work alongside. Planning and developing is included as well. Pinheiro deems them professionals.



“My relationship with them is very close and very sincere. We have some points of disagreement, but we can find the best way (to handle it) for CISM.

“To some federations, we are part of their calendar and schedule. With modern pentathlon, it’s part of UIPM. We are definitely in a good way for development.”

You have to go back to 2005 to find Pinheiro’s first mention under the CISM banner in modern pentathlon, but as a coach. Nearly 15 years later, he’s seen positive changes sweep through the organisation, as well as a forward-thinking strategy to develop sport as a whole. 

With connections and collaborations being key, five new MOUs have been created, ensuring development for the future.  Pinheiro believes that these connections also help develop the international federations, including not just being part of the military and armed forces.

Pinheiro is also full of praise for the 7th CISM World Military Games, with the relationship being a stepping stone to such a harmonious event.

“The word is to congratulate the Chinese people and their armed forces,” he says.  “I can tell you they are doing their best; the relationship was very simply and they are very kind.  I even notice the citizens are involved with the event, they are totally integrated, and this is very cool to see.”



Of the motto “Friendship through Sport”, Pinheiro is adamantly of the belief that the mantra, and feeling, exists. 

“I do believe in it. Our motto says everything, and the way that CISM was established was with the intention to change the places the soldiers were meeting, from the battlefields to the courts. That’s really impressive; the symbolism of the organisation is really amazing, and that’s why I totally agree this kind of friendship is important.  The sport and peace is one of our aims.

“For instance, we have championships that include countries from the former Republic of Yugoslavia. It’s really amazing to have the possibility of the futsal cup with nations; we even have projects in these fields with physical competitions where the United Nations are in.  I truly believe friendship, sports, and peace are totally connected.”

Not much more can be said about upholding the motto, where Pinheiro helps to set the standard through not only making sure that the sporting competitions are of high quality, but those running it, and those overseeing the disciplines, are showing how great the sports are, within CISM, to the world. 


(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department – Journalist and Photographer: Mr. Davis Harrigan)