Home PageNewsRussian Delegation visit the CISM Headquarters in Brussels for a 2-days working session


Russian Delegation visit the CISM Headquarters in Brussels for a 2-days working session



BRUSSELS – On 28 and 29 June, CISM Headquarters received the visit of the Russian Delegation, composed of Col. Botsman Oleg (Chief of the Russian Delegation), Lt-col. Spitsyn Dmitrii (dep. Chief of the Russian Delegation), Mr. Rotarenko Anton (Russian Delegation), Mr. Zotov Mikhail (SOCHI OC) and Mrs Kaltashkina Valentina (SOCHI OC).

They were welcomed by Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita, CISM Secretary General, and Major Johan Groen, CISM World Winter Games Project Manager.



This 2-days working session was related to the next World Winter Games which will take place in Sochi (RUS) from February 22 to 28, 2017.

Several topics were discussed during the meetings: strucuture and organization of the WINOC, programm of the World Winter Games, protocol and ceremonies, awards and medals, sport and peace, accommodations, accreditation and travel plan, anti-doping, sponsoring, tv, solidarity…



The meetings were vey fruitfull for both sides. The next main step will be the 2nd CISM pre-visit in Sochi, which will take place in the beginning of December 2016.


(Source: David Vandenplas, CISM Media and Communication Manager)

(Pictures: Maxime Morlet, CISM Media and Communication Assistant)