BEJA (POR) - The Opening Ceremony of the 58th World Military Cross Country Championship took place yesterday, October 11, at the Air Base No. 11, in Beja, Portugal.
Chaired by the Head of the Organizing Committee, Brigadier-General Luís Graça, the ceremony included a parade of the participating nations, which was also attended by Major Jan-Henrik Back, Official CISM Representative for this event and BoD Member; Lieutenant (GDF) Margherita Magnani, PCSC Track & Field and Cross-Country; Colonel Carlos Lourenço, AB 11 Commander; Colonel José Manuel Pires Contramestre, Chief of Delegation of Portugal to CISM; the Chiefs of Missions of the participating nations, as well as a number of high-level authorities from the local community. In his opening speech, the Head of the Organizing Committee declared that it is a source of pride "to organize this international military competition, with the main purpose of cultivating friendship among countries through sports”.
The 58th World Military Cross-country Championships 2022 is hosted by the Commission of Physical Education and Military Sports of the General Directorate of National Defense Resources of the Ministry of National Defense and by the Air Force under the auspices of the CISM, which is committed to promoting military sports competitions among its member countries.
300 athletes from 27 countries are participating in this competition and the Portuguese Delegation to CISM is represented by 22 military personnel.
See you today for the first competitions.