ANCIENT OLYMPIA (GRE) - The third meeting of the CISM Board of Directors 2021 officially started this morning in the city of Ancient Olympia, Greece, in the International Olympic Academy Premises with the Opening Ceremony of the event.
The event was attended by the CISM President General Hervé Piccirillo, the CISM Secretary General Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita, the CISM Board of Directors Members in attendance, the CISM Treasurer General Lieutenant-Colonel Marc de Wagter, the Chief of Delegation of Greece to CISM Navy Captain Spyridon Andriopoulos, the Mayor of Ancient Olympia Mr. Georgios Georgiopoulos, the Vice-Governor of the Region of Western Greece Mr. Dimitrios Nikolakopoulos, the members of the CISM General Secretariat and the representatives of the Greek Armed Forces.
Navy Captain Spyridon Andriopoulos, Chief of Delegation of Greece to CISM, welcomed the CISM Delegates: “As a Chief of the Greek delegation of CISM and a member of the Board of Directors of CISM, it is a great honor for me to welcome you to my country and especially to the site of ancient Olympia, the birthplace of sports and Olympism. In this place, about 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks, every four years, held sports games, entitled "Olympic Games". The purpose of the games was to end the military conflicts between the Greek cities, by imposing ‘’Ekexeiria”.
He also added: “For my country, 2021 is a milestone year, as it celebrates the 200th anniversary of its independence. Greece, after its independence, contributed decisively to the development of Olympism and World Sports, as the 1st Modern Olympic Games were organized in Athens in 1896.”
“By organizing this institutional event, our goal is to formulate a new policy and concept that should be developed in the field of military sports for the coming years, inspired by the sanctuary of ancient Olympia.”, concluded Navy Captain Andriopoulos.
Then the CISM President General Hervé Piccirillo also took the floor : “Olympia is also the place of tribute of Pierre de Coubertin, the renovator of the Olympics games. His heart rest here in Olympia. This Board of Directors will be the symbol of the resumption of the CISM’s statutory events with the participation of our members in this meeting in presential. I have a thought for those who have been unable to travel due to the sanitary restrictions. By your presence here today, it was important to show the will of the CISM to face the pandemic. Nothing replaces human contact.”
He also added: “ I wish to present my sincere thanks to the Greek Delegation to CISM and specifically to Navy Captain Spyridon Andriopoulos, Chief of the Greek Delegation to CISM and BoD member for organizing this BoD meeting. I also would like to warmly thank the civilian authorities present today. Your participation to this huge statutory event is an honor for all of us and shows your commitment to support CISM and its universal military values.”
At the end of the Opening Ceremony, Mayor of Ancient Olympia Mr. Georgios Georgiopoulos declared the meeting officially open.
The first session of the Board of Directors Meeting 2021-3 started with the welcome address of the Chief of the Greek Delegation to CISM Navy Captain Spyridon Andriopoulos followed by the Opening Speech by the CISM President General Hervé Piccirillo.
After the approval of the agenda, the review and follow-up of the record of decisions of the previous BoD meeting, the self-introduction of the new Board of Directors, working groups and General Secretariat Members, the CISM President General Hervé Piccirillo started his communication.
The meeting continued with the report of the Secretary General Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita who briefed the members of the Board of Directors on the activities of the General Secretariat in Brussels.
It was then the turn of the 4 Continental Vice-Presidents, Colonel Yijang Wang (Asia), Colonel Dirk Schwede (Europe), Brigadier-General Maikano Abdullahi (Africa) and Colonel Leonardo Perdigão De Oliveira (Americas) to take the floor to present their continental reports.
After the continental reports, Lieutenant-Colonel Marc de Wagter, CISM Treasurer General, presented the financial statements of CISM as well as various information files for the attention of the Board of Directors.
The Presidents of the different CISM Commissions then took the microphone to present their reports on the specificities of their Commissions: Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Borghino for the Sports Commission, Colonel Steven Rosso for the Regulations Commission, General Aboubacar Biro Condé for the Finances Commission, Lieutenant Rebeca Garcia Dominguez for the Women in CISM Working Group report and Colonel Dirk Schwede for the Strategic Commission.
After a short break for the members of the Board of Directors, the Director of Strategy and General Affairs, Lieutenant-Colonel Jan Van den Dool, presented the files of his department, followed by Colonel Luiz Fernando, Sports Director, who gave a long presentation on CISM's sports policy and its development, CISM's core business.
The meeting ended with the traditional Closing Address by General Hervé Piccirillo, CISM President.
See you tomorrow for the third session of the Board of Directors 2021/3 !
(Source: CISM Media & Communication Department)