MONACO (MON) - As part of his visit to Monaco, Colonel Nilton Gomes Rolim Filho, CISM President, met yesterday with the leaders of the following organizations: the Organization for Peace through Sport "Peace and Sport", the World Olympians Association and the Monegasque Delegation to CISM.
For his first meeting, the CISM President met with Mr. Jöel Bouzou, Peace and Sport President, with whom he discussed a number of topics such as the transfer of knowledge and evaluation matrices from the Peace and Sport organization to CISM projects; the development of peace and sport projects in the context of mutual collaboration in specific conflict areas and the use of sport to promote values and mutual understanding; the preparation of sports programs to be used in the work of UN peacekeeping forces in their area of influence; and the promotion of the "White Card" campaign.
Colonel Nilton Gomes Rolim Filho then continued his meeting with Mr. Jöel Bouzou, also President of the World Olympians Association. During this second meeting, the two Presidents discussed the following topics: the recognition of all CISM Olympic athletes at CISM competitions, the development of CISM products to promote military and Olympic values among our nations as well as the promotion of parasport and increasing gender equity within CISM.
This productive day concluded with the meeting of the CISM President with the Chief of the Monegasque Delegation to CISM, Lieutenant Denis Raymond and with the Superior Commander of the Public Force of Monaco and delegate of the Monegasque Delegation to CISM, Colonel Tony Varo.
The purpose of this last meeting was to plan future statutory and sporting events, to strengthen the peace and sport programs and the cooperation between CISM, the Monegasque delegation and His Excellency Prince Albert II.
(Source: CISM General Secretariat)