ATHENS (GRE) – For the third day of the 72nd CISM Congress and General Assembly, the continental meetings took place from 08.30 to 16.00. During those meetings, the delegates discussed the different issues related to their continent but also took some decisions regarding the compositions of the continents:
Colonel David KABRÉ (BUR) was elected as Vice-President Africa
Brigadier M K ONG’OYI (KEN) and Commodore Mounir ABICHOU (TUN) were elected as Board of Directors Members
Lieutenant-Colonel Fahad Al-Shehhi (UAE) was elected as Board of Directors Member
Colonel Jose Carlos GARCIA-VERDUGO SANCHEZ (ESP) and Lieutenant-Colonel Walter BORGHINO (ITA) were elected as Board of Directors Members
The CISM President Colonel Abdulhakeem Alshino met the Mongolian delegation and the participating nations to discuss the organization of the 1st CISM Judo East Tournament that will take place in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) from 5 to 11 September 2017.
The day ended with a football tournament confronting the four CISM Continents. Europe won the trophy after defeating Asia in the final. Africa took the third place of the podium while America finished at the fourth place.
The first day of the Congress will take place tomorrow, 5 May, with the following speakers:
Constantinos Filis, PHD – International International Olympic Truce Foundation – Business Action Plan of IOTF during the Olympic Games – Implementation Plan of CISM within IOTF
Admiral Paolo Martino Zuccaro – Brazilian Military Sports Commission “Forces in Sports Program”
Colonel Abdulhakeem Alshino – Communication of the CISM President
Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita – Report of the Secretary General
Continental Reports presentations
Colonel (B.A.M.) Walter Van Velthoven – CISM Finances and Budget Report
Colonel Dieter Weigold – CISM Planning and Development Commission Inputs
Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Borghino – Report of the CISM Sports Commission
Lieutenant-Colonel Alessandro Trono – Presentation of PCSC and CSC Vacancies 2017-2018
Colonel Carlos Eduardo and Lieutenant-Colonel José Pinheiro – Presentation of the CISM World Events Calendars 2017-2018 and presentation of the host nations
David Vandenplas – Communication: Some exploration routes for our Member Nations
Commissaire en Chef Hervé Piccirillo – The Defense National Center of Sports taking over social networks
The first day of the Congress of the 72nd CISM Congress and General Assembly will be broadcasted live today on the CISM Facebook and the CISM Website.
Source: David Vandenplas (CISM Media and Communication Director)
Pictures: Maxime Morlet (CISM Media and Communication Assistant) & Ioannis Dondoros