BRUSSELS (BEL) - On the occasion of the International Day of Peace 2021, the CISM President Colonel Hervé Piccirillo has a message of unity and solidarity for people around the world!
The International Day of Peace, established by the United Nations, is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access.
Since 1981 and its creation, this day has always been very important for the CISM Family as Peace is at the heart of our activities.
One of the main goals of CISM is the promotion of peace through sport with the aim of creating friendly relations between members of the Armed Forces as sport has the power to bring positive social changes. Sport has historically played an important role on peace building process.
The motto of CISM “Friendship through Sport” has always been the leading force of CISM, as the development of “friendly relations between the Armed Forces of member nations”. In fact, the notion has a much wider meaning, as soldiers, who have lived through the experience of friendship with their “supposed opponents on the battle-field”, are nurturing the best memories and are bringing along this experience in their future occupation, be it a military career or a civilian one.
Nowadays CISM is working towards several activities on behalf of peace and sport, like CISM Day Run for Peace, CISM Futsal Cup for Peace, CISM Judo East Tournament, and others and will always keep on promoting the development of Peace through Sport!
(Source: CISM General Secretariat)