BRUSSELS (BEL) - A major meeting with the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) was held on 11 January in the CISM Headquarters in Brussels.
The FIVB, located in Lausanne, Switzerland, manages sports of significant popularity and wide social reach in the world, on the military and civilian scene, managing Volleyball, Beach Volleyball, Snow Volleyball and Sitting Volleyball (in cooperation with World ParaVolley).
From CISM side, the meeting was attended by the CISM Secretary General, Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita, the CISM Sports Director, Colonel Luiz Fernando Medeiros Nóbrega, the CISM Sports Committees Manager, Lieutenant-Colonel Rafael Soares Pinheiro da Cunha, and the CISM Protocol Manager, Lieutenant-Colonel Edson Aita while the FIVB General Director, Mr. Fabio Azevedo, and the New Events Business Director, Mr. Angelo Squeo were representing FIVB.
Relevant subjects of interest to both organizations, focusing on sports development and staff qualification, were discussed during the meeting, expanding topics contained in the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two institutions in 2016. The joint actions aim at the organization of events, the development of the Snow Volleyball, the increase of regional training centers and the availability of platforms for coaches.
(Source: CISM Sports Department)
(Pictures: Mr. Maxime Morlet, CISM Media and Communication Department)