Home PageNewsCISM General Secretariat ActivitiesThe Congress of the 79th General Assembly and Congress concluded in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The Congress of the 79th General Assembly and Congress concluded in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


News GA Day 3 (9)


DAR ES SALAAM (TAN) - The second session of the CISM Congress 2024 commenced today with a warm welcome address by CISM President Colonel Nilton Rolim. He expressed his gratitude to all participants for their dedicated efforts during the initial days of the assembly.


The first part of the session focused on the CISM Sports Policy. Lieutenant-Colonel Jan Van den Dool presented several key topics, including the Sports Calendar for 2024-2028, critical points to consider during World Military Championships (WMCs), the hosting of WMCs, and the results of a survey on the challenges and opportunities of hosting these events.


News GA Day 3 (4)


Additionally, he shared findings from a survey on the support of elite athletes and introduced the Presidents of the CISM Sports Committees.


Following this, Lieutenant (GDF) Margherita Magnani, the PCSC Representative, delivered her report.


A highlight of the session was the presentation of the 2023 CISM Athlete of the Year Award. Colonel Nilton Rolim proudly awarded Private Nina Christen of Switzerland (Shooting) and Warrant Officer Mohamed Reda El Aaraby of Morocco (Track & Field) in front of the CISM General Assembly.


News GA Day 3 (3)


The session continued with a “Speed Networking” event that facilitated direct interactions between the Sports Department, CISM HQ, PCSCs, and Chiefs of Delegation, fostering collaboration, organization of future events, and knowledge exchange.


Attention then turned to the CISM Games, with Colonel Joseph Bakari, Games Director, providing updates on the 4th CISM World Cadet Games 2024 in Caracas, Venezuela; the Pre-University Education Schools Tournament 2024 in Tula, Russia; the 5th CISM Military World Winter Games 2025 in Lucerne, Switzerland; the status of the 8th CISM Military World Summer Games 2027; and the CISM World Games Long-Term Strategy.




Cambodia also presented its candidature to become a new CISM Member Nation.


The session concluded with a closing address from Colonel Nilton Rolim, who officially closed the CISM Congress 2024.


News GA Day 3 (7)


In the afternoon, CISM delegates visited the Twalipo Football Project and participated in a friendly football match against the Tanzanian Defence Forces at the Benjamim Mkapa National Stadium.


News GA Day 3 (8)


The CISM Family will convene for the General Assembly on May 17th, followed by the Closing Ceremony, the second session of the Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting, a Gift Exchange, and a Gala Dinner.


(Source: CISM Media & Communication Department - Pictures: Tanzanian Armed Forces)