BRUSSELS (BEL) - This Thursday, July 23, for the first time in the CISM History, the members of the CISM Board of Directors met for their second annual meeting via teleconference. Following the cancellation, due to COVID-19, of the 75th CISM General Assembly to be held in Kenya in May, the General Secretariat has set up a virtual meeting bringing together our members of the Board of Directors.
The session, chaired by Colonel Hervé Piccirillo, CISM President, was opened with a speech by Colonel Piccirillo and his communication on the decisions taken by the CISM Emergency Committee in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.
Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita, CISM Secretary General, the CISM Vice-Presidents of the four continents and Colonel Marc de Wagter, CISM Treasurer General, then presented their respective reports and were followed by the reports of the CISM Sports Commission and the CISM Regulations Commission.
The Communication Department presented its plan to update and modernize its website and also formalized the publication of the Yearbook 2019.
Several files relating to CISM Sports policy, CISM World Games, International relations, upcoming CISM institutional events, upcoming elections as well as the latest developments relating to the construction of the new CISM General Secretariat.
This first meeting of the Board of Directors via VTC went perfectly and served as a dress rehearsal for the next CISM General Assembly and Congress which will also be held by teleconference.
(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department)