SAINT-PETERSBURG (RUS) - The 3rd CISM World Cadet Games came to an end with the Closing Ceremony of the event in the State Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg and this event took place in presence of Major-General Abdullahi Maikano, CISM VP Europe, General Nikolai Pankov, State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, as well as the Chiefs of Mission of the participating Nationss.
General Nikolai Pankov conveyed congratulations on behalf of General Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, on the successful conclusion of the 3rd CISM World Cadet Games, in which participated 576 athletes from 20 countries
“The WCG have been a real festival of sports, friendship, mutual understanding, and unification of future military elite of various countries. You have convincingly proved the main motto of CISM’Friendship through Sport”, noted General Pankov.
At the end of these Games, Russia finally finishes first of the general classification of medals in front of Belarus and Armenia! We could attend high class Games as well in terms of organization as in terms of results achieved by our Cadets, with, in passing, many new world records established.
Find all the information concerning this event on the official website of the Organizing Committee.