BRUSSELS (BEL) - It is with deep regret and sadness that the Brazilian Army Sports Commission (CDE) informed us yesterday of the death of Sergeant Bruna Plonner as a result of an accident that occurred while parachuting in the city of Boituva - SP.
CISM and the Brazilian Army Sports Commission express their deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Sergeant Bruna Plonner and also wish to thank the dedication and work done by the Army and Brazilian Parachuting Team.
At the 44th World Military Parachuting Championship held in 2021 in Doha, Qatar, Sgt. Bruna Plonner had a great performance finishing 7th in Team Accuracy, 39th in Individual Accuracy, 23rd in Individual Overall and 6th in Formation.
(Source : Brazilian Delegation to CISM)