Home PageNews8th CISM Futsal Cup for Peace 2016 - Day 1


8th CISM Futsal Cup for Peace 2016 - Day 1



SPLIT (CRO) – The Opening Ceremony of the 8th CISM Futsal Cup for Peace 2017 took place yesterday in the Croatia Navy Base Garrison “Sv. Nikola”Split. The Ceremony was attended by Colonel Dirk Schwede (GER), CISM Europe Vice-President, Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita (GUI), CISM Secretary General, Captain Rudolf Fell (GER), CISM Football PCSC, Real Admiral Predrag Stipanovic (CRO), Commander of the Croatia Navy Base Garrison “Sv. Nikola”Split and Mr Goran Kovacevic, Deputy Mayor of Split.



General Program of the competitions:

  • 03 July - Arrival of Missions and Preliminary Meeting

  • 04 July - Opening Ceremony and Matches

  • 05 July - Matches

  • 06 July - Cultural Day and Matches

  • 07 July - Finals and Closing Ceremony

  • 08 July - Departure of missions




Participating countries:

  • Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • Croatia

  • The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

  • Montenegro

  • Slovenia


(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department)