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48th WMC Lifesaving - Halmstad (SWE) - Update



HALMSTAD - The 48th WMC Lifesaving took place in Halmstad (SWE) from August 8th to August 14th 2016. The Opening Ceremony of the WMC Lifesaving was held in the courtyard of the 400 years old Halmstad Castle. The elevens marched into the courtyard to the sound of the Halland Home Guard Music Corps. Rear Admiral Jens Nykvist welcomed everyone before the Swedish Flag was raised and the Swedish National anthem was played. OCR Colonel Dirk Schwede, CISM BoD member, held an opening speech during which he talked about lifesaving as a sport and its history as a sport. Hamstad’s Mayor, Carl Frederik Graf, also took the floor to welcome the participants and the Rear Admiral Jens Nykvist declared the Championships open.



For the first day of Competition, despite the cold temperature, Kai-Uwe Schirmer (GER), won the gold medal and set a new World Record in the “100m Manikin Tow with Fins” in 53,82 seconds. “It feels great. I liked the weather and it was a nice feeling to swim in this pool. It’s also an honour to compete for the German Armed Forces!”, declared Schirmer.



During the rest of the competition, the competitors had to face sunny conditions but also bad weather conditions and the competitions have been interrupted due to strong winds, high waves, currents and risk of thunder and lightning. However, the athletes realized wonderful performances!


For the full results of the WMC Lifesaving in Hamstad (SWE), click here: Day 1Day 2Day 3 (Part 1)Day 3 (Part 2)Day 4 (Part 1)Day 4 (Part 2)



(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department / Swedish Armed Forces)

(Pictures: Charlotte Pettersson, Christian Lövgren, Lisa Nykvist, Carl M Sjöstrand /Försvarsmakten)