A sports event where it is not the best result that matters,
but participation is very important... by motto : Friendship through sport
Romanian delegation to CISM organized the event "CISM Day Run - CISM anniversary" on 18 February 2016, the activity beeing scheduled to take place simultaneously in all the military units / military educational institutions of the Romanian Ministry of Defence (Armed Forces).
Sports activities included short and long runs, walking or skiing (cross-country, military patrol, biathlon and relay), fencing, rugby etc, where were involved as many soldiers as possible, regardless of rank, function, gender, age or physical fitness / sports skills.
One of the most important events took place in the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defence, where the entire Romanian CISM delegation took part along with other 300 officers, NCOs and civilians within this structure to a symbolic cross (2000 m) to celebrate the birthday of CISM.
Romanian troops participated in a non-competitive sporting event that promoted the practice of sport, the principle "sport for all", therefore everyone was welcome to attend.
CISM Day Run was held in Romania for the fifth time in the last 8 years; over 35000 soldiers, officers, NCOs, professional soldiers and civilians of about all military units and military educational institutions participated in this year.
All participating units received in appreciation the special diploma created with this occasion by CISM General Secretariat, signed by the Chief of the Romanian Delegation to this international military sports forum.
This anniversary was mirrored in Romanian media (newspapers, on radio and tv), caring by chief of the Romanian Delegation to CISM.
(Source: Colonel Ioan ARMANU, PhD, Chief of Delegation)