BRUSSELS (BEL) – The online voting platform for the "CISM ATHLETE OF THE YEAR AWARD" is ready!
The CISM Athlete of the Year 2018 Award is presented to an athlete, in order to identify and recognize the most significant sportive performance, allied with the promoting of CISM values and enhancing CISM visibility, considering for the eligibility, in addition, the fair play, personal empathy, discipline, respect to the rules, self-behaviour etc
The athletes eligible to run for this award are all male and female, in active military duty, who have participated in CISM events of Sports Category 1, during CISM World Military Championships or CISM World Games
The period considered to evaluation is CISM Championships calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st 2018
The votes are open from open from December 24 2018 until January 16 2019 (midnight, Belgian time). Only one vote per person.
Vote here on the online voting platform!
(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department)