BRUSSELS (BEL) – As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the health situation all around the world, the International Military Sports Council (CISM) had to cancel its 75th CISM General Assembly and Congress, initially scheduled in Nairobi, Kenya. In order to compensate this cancellation, CISM decided to hold its first ever virtual General Assembly and Congress with the presence of approximately 100 Member Nations ! As usual, the General Assembly and Congress program includes different meetings (Board of Directors Meeting, PCSC Meeting, Continental Meetings and the General Assembly and Congress) scattered on 5 days from October 19 to October 23.
After the PCSC Meeting on Monday 19, the first Board of Directors Meeting on Tuesday 20 and the four respective Continental Meetings (Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe) on Wednesday 21, the General Assembly, led by the CISM President Colonel Hervé Piccirillo, took place today, October 22, in presence of more than 130 delegates.
The CISM President President Colonel Hervé Piccirillo opened the CISM General Assembly by thanking the entire CISM family for keeping the energy of military sports up through the COVID-19 lockdown, continuing to develop the CISM goals and getting prepared for the all the events planned in the future.
“This pandemic is not over,” declared the CISM President. “All over the world, the governments are taking stringent measures and we have to stick to it. The situation is not easy but all together we will defeat this pandemic! Thank you for joining us for this important meeting of our institutional life!”
Colonel Piccirillo also thanked the CISM Staff and its Secretary General Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita for all the work achieved during these difficult times and for keeping the military sports running!
To gather a maximum of delegates from different times zones, the agenda was shorter than usual.
The CISM Secretary General, Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita, started with its report covering all the different areas of activities (Strategy and General Affaires, Finances, Sports, CISM World Games and Communication) of the CISM General Secretariat and all the activities and goals achieved since the last General Assembly held in April 2019 in Ho Chi Minh City. The CISM Secretary General also formalized the candidature of the Swiss Delegation to CISM for the organization of the 5th CISM World Winter Games 2025 in the city of Lucerne in the heart of Central Switzerland.
The CISM Treasurer General Lieutenant-Colonel Marc de Wagter took the floor to present the different budgets (2019, 2020 and 2021), the financial results as well as the auditor report that confirmed that CISM followed Belgian laws perfectly. The Treasurer General also detailed the determination of the amount of the CISM Membership Fee 2021.
The President of the CISM Regulations Commission, Colonel Steven Rosso, Member of the BoD, presented all the different proposals of changes to the CISM Regulations that will be voted by the Chiefs of Delegation of the CISM Member Nations in attendance of the event!
Colonel Dirk Schwede, President of the Strategic Commission, presented the roadmap of the Commission, the achievements of the last months as well as the requirements in terms of involvement of the different continents to ensure a smooth running of the Commission.
The part dedicated to the CISM Sports started with a presentation of the CISM Sports Commission President, Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Borghino, on the contribution of the CISM Sports Commission to the overall CISM Sports Policy followed by the Report of the CISM Sports Director, Colonel Luiz Fernando, who informed the audience about the calendar of events 2021 and 2022, the overall PCSC situation and the different updates made by the Sports Department in terms of publication of documents.
The PCSC Representative, Nilton Gomes Filho Rolim, gave a speech on the important contribution of the Presidents of the CISM Sports Committees to the overall CISM Sports Policy while the Greek Delegation to CISM closed the part dedicated to sports by presenting the first edition of the CISM International Symposium which will take place in October 2021 in the Ancient Olympia in Greece!
The floor was first given to the German Organizing Committee of the 4th CISM World Winter Games 2021 who informed the delegates about their decision to postpone the Games to March 2022 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Lieutenant-Colonel Harald Dobmeier, Head of the WINOC 2022, also updated the audience with the last information relating to the organization of this important CISM Event.
The Egyptian Delegation and French Delegation to CISM also had the opportunity to present their respective event, namely the 3rd CISM World Football Cup 2021 to be held in Cairo, Egypt in 2021 and the 1st CISM Heroes Military Games scheduled in September 2022 in Fontainebleau, France.
Finally, the floor was given to Colonel Joseph Bakari, CISM Games Director, who gave an update on the future CISM World Games and presented the report of the CISM Games Department on the 7th CISM World Summer Games 2019 that took place in Wuhan in October 2019.
After the Report of the Commission for the Verification of Credentials by Colonel Dirk Schwede and the Presentation and Vote of the Decision Files and of the Statutory Calendar 2021-2026 by the CISM Secretary General Colonel Dorah Mamby Koita, the results of the votes of the Board of Directors Members’ elections have been announced by Major Guilherme Bottrel Carvalho, the CISM Protocol & Events Manager. It’s a pleasure for the CISM Family to welcome the new members of BoD, Brig Gen Maikano Abdullahi (Vice-President Africa), Air Commodore Simon Nyowani (Member of the Board of Director Africa), Colonel Zakariya Kanat (Member of the Board of Directors Asia) and Mr Moon Hak Yoon (Member of the Board of Directors Asia), and we wish them much success for their future mandate. Congratulations to Colonel Steven Rosso was also re-elected as Member of the BoD Americas.
The first virtual CISM General Assembly and Congress successfully ended with the Closing Addresses of the CISM Secretary General and the CISM President.
“Thank you for joining us today for this important event in the life of our institution! These last months haven’t been easy for the military sports. But I’m confident that all together we are going to defeat this virus and that our military particularity will be an asset to allow the military sport to emerge stronger from this health crisis”, declared the CISM President Colonel Hervé Piccirillo to close the event.
The Official Program of the 75th CISM General Assembly and Congress will come to an end today with the second Board of Directors Meeting of the week!
(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department)