QUITO (ECU) – The CISM International Scientific Symposium 2019 started on June 4 at the Hotel Quito in presence of the Colonel Mamby Koita, CISM Secretary General; General Oswaldo Jarrín Román, Military Sports Minister of National Defense; General of the Roque Moreira Cedeño Division, the military high command headed by the Chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces; ambassadors and military attachés accredited in Ecuador; General Luis Zaldumbide, President of the Military Sports Federation of Ecuador; Professor Heikki Kyröläinen (Ph.D.), Head of the CISM Sport Science Commission; Professor Thierry Zintz; delegates from 50 CISM member nations and special guests. This event constitutes a transcendental space for scientific analysis and discussion about sports activity and physical performance inside and outside the Armed Forces.
During the three days of this congress, papers will be presented around the central theme of the symposium: “CISM at 70's: History & Sport Science working together in the Academy”
After several years of absence, CISM ensured the continuity of this event by giving Ecuador the responsibility of hosting this important event, held for the fourth time in South America.
This institutional event, organized for the first time in 1962 in Greece, five years after the creation of the CISM Academy, was organized to the attention of the CISM family on all continents, in the form of clinics and seminars, with the goal of transmitting scientific knowledges for application to military fitness training, sports and health and for the development of the military sport.
(Source: www.ccffaa.mil.ec, @FFAAECUADOR)