BRUSSELS (BEL) - As you are aware, the COVID 19 has become pandemic. This will certainly affect our day to day life and the thousands of people in Brussels, in Belgium and throughout the world.
Considering the decisions taken recently by the Belgian Government encouraging employers to take the necessary options to avoid a larger spread of the COVID19, CISM took its responsibility and took the necessary steps to avoid worsening the situation. While there have been no reported cases of the novel coronavirus among the CISM, CISM General Secretariat already asked its employers and detached officers to remain home and use the tools provided by their employer to fulfill their position accordingly.
The situation has been extended to April 19 2020 and according to the official request of the Belgian Government. In the week of the 19th of April, the situation will be reassessed, and a decision will be taken again at this time.
As part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed and as up to date as possible on the impact of COVID-19 on military sports, CISM will keep contact with its Member Nations in the case of any notable developments.
(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department)