HO CHI MINH CITY (VIE) – Yesterday, the CISM President, the CISM Board of Directors Members, the CISM Secretary General and all the Member Nations delegates in attendance gathered for the fifth day of the 73th CISM General Assembly and Congress, which is currently taking place in Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.
The last session of the Congress took place yesterday, April 27, with a very busy schedule and the following presentations:
The report of the CISM Sports Commission President Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Borghino (Contribution of the CISM Sports Commission to the overall CISM sports policy), the presentation of the CISM Calendars of activities 2019-2022, presentation of the host nations and introduction of the PCSC.
The report by the PCSC Representative Colonel Pedro Gagliardi on the contribution of the PCSC to the overall CISM Sports Policy
The contribution of the CISM Academy to the overall CISM Sports Policy by Colonel Rafael Pinheiro, ACISM Manager
The Presentation of the CISM International Symposium by the Ecuadorian Delegation to CISM
The promotion of the integration of para athletes in the overall CISM Sports Policy by the Sports Commission
The presentation of the 3rd CISM World Cadet Games 2020 in Saint Petersburg by the Russian Delegation
The Presentation of the 3rd CISM World Football Cup 2021 in Cairo by the Egyptian Delegation
The Future World Games Project and the Situation of the 8th CISM World Summer Games 2023 by the CISM World Games Director Mr. Olivier Verhelle
The report of the 7th CISM World Summer Games 2019 in Wuhan City, China by the SUMOC
The Management and trends in staffing situation of the CISM HQ by the CISM Administration Director Mr. Olivier Verhelle
Two important contracts were also signed by the CISM President Colonel Hervé Piccirillo during this session of the Congress: the organization contract of the 3rd CISM World Cadet Games in Saint-Petersburg 2020 and the contract of organization of the Solidarity Plan for the 7th CISM World Summer Games Wuhan 2019 that will allow 61 countries to join the 7th CISM World Games this year. Thank you Russia and China!
Finally, the CISM President took the floor to thank all the participants and congratulate them for the quality of the presentations. He then took the floor for his closing address and the official closing of the CISM Congress 2019.
The Congress was directly followed by the drawing of lots for all team Sports at the 7th CISM World Summer Games of Wuhan 2019
The 74th CISM General Assembly and Congress will end today, April 28, with the General Assembly and the Closing Ceremony!
All the pictures are available on the CISM FLICKR ACCOUNT!
(Source: CISM Media and Communication Department)
(Pictures: Maxime Morlet, CISM Media and Communication Assistant and Photographer)