BRUSSELS (BEL) - The CISM Athlete of the Year Award 2019 will be presented to an athlete, in order to identify and recognize the most significant sportive performance, allied with the promoting of CISM values and enhancing CISM visibility, considering for the eligibility, in addition, the fair play, personal empathy, discipline, respect to the rules, self-behaviour etc. The athletes eligible to run for this award are all male and female, in active military duty, who have participated in CISM events of Sports Category 1, during CISM World Military Championships or CISM World Games (Continental and Regional competitions under the appreciation of CISM General Secretariat). The period considered to evaluation is CISM Championships calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st, 2019.
For this reason, CISM HQ opened the votes to the CISM Family from December 11 to January 12. And the results are the following:
Congratulations to Sergeant Ellen Braga (BRA – Volleyball - 5132 votes) and Lieutenant Augusto Xavier Guizado Narea (ECU – Aeronautical Pentathlon - 7840 votes) for their first place in the internet voting!
Ellen Braga
Please note that these votes are not considered as the final results. The official selection will be proceeded by the Board of Directors Members among these two athletes (Sergeant Ellen Braga and Lieutenant Augusto Xavier Guizado Narea) already selected by the CISM Family and the four athletes (two males and two females) that will be elected by the PCSC during the PCSC Meeting next week.
Guizado Narea Augusto Xavier
Thank you to the 20758 fans who voted for our military athletes.
(Source: CISM Media & Communication Department)