Home PageFormer third level pages (Replaced by feeds)2013 - 68th CISM General Assemby & Congress - Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia

 68th CISM General Assembly & Congress in Jakarta (Indonesia) - 2013


Dear CISM Members Nations,

In compliance with the referenced CISM Regulations and CISM Statute and further to the decision taken at our last General Assembly in Kampala (Uganda), I have to inform all the CISM Members that CISM President had to call an Emergency Board last week in order to decide about the situation of the 2 potential candidates (Republic of Indonesia and Republic of Burundi) to host the 68th CISM General Assembly and Congress next year.
After discussing and voting, the final formal decision was: The 68th General Assembly and Congress 2013 will be organized in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, in the period from 13 (day of the opening ceremony) to 17 May 2013 (day of the closing ceremony).
Further information on this organization shall be extended rapidly to all the CISM Member Nations.

Sincerely yours,
Friendship through Sport!

Alexandre Morisod,
The Secretary General

Our previous assemblies